Friday, February 27, 2015

When Is More Enough?

I have come to this page several times in the past month to write something, as there has been much on my mind. The words, however, have not been flowing very freely. I find myself in a very introspective mood lately, contemplating a lot of things, seeking some sort of peace with my thoughts. That's not to say I'm unhappy, unsettled, or confused; simply that there is so much thrown at me from outside sources (people, news, social media, etc), that I'm trying to separate what I need to let in from what I don't need to be drawn in to. This world we live in is one that can simply inundate us with stuff that is so decidedly unimportant, yet we easily get drawn into it because it's all around us. Drama and discontent are everywhere, and many people seem to thrive on being part of it. I've often felt this is due mostly in part to fear; fear of stopping, deciding what you want, working to achieve it, and being settled and content with your life. Fear is driven by a lack of confidence, not being confident of your dreams and goals, not being confident of those you choose to walk in life with, not being confident that you've made the right choices, not being confident with being content. I'm not sure where along the path of history it became unacceptable to be settled, to be content, to enjoy a simple life with your family and friends. When did it become necessary to always be having "fun", to drive oneself deeper and deeper into debt in order to have new cars, new technology, lots of things, fancy vacations? When did it become unacceptable to work hard at your job, providing for yourself or your family? Why are we being told that we need to be more, do more, make more, spend more? It's like nothing is ever enough, and the message this is sending to the next generation is a scary one. The message that they are not enough. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to achieve more, if your intention is to do so for personal growth, or to provide a better life for yourself or your family if you're drowning in student loans, credit card debt, or time debt. We must seek continual growth in life, to always be learning new things and living out our goals, dreams, and purpose. Adventure is great, meeting new people is important, trying new things, expanding ourselves beyond our comfort zone. These are not negatives by any means, but nor is it a negative to be happy with your life as it is, as you've chosen it to be. Sometimes we get so caught up in a societal need to have bigger dreams, bigger goals, bigger purpose that we lose sight of who we truly are, what God has created each of us, as an individual, for. He created us to love. As simple as God, love others, love yourself.  

Here's the thing...God created you, in His perfect vision, before He even placed you in your mother's womb. Stop and ponder that for a moment. He knew you first; you are His creation; He created you with purpose and a plan. No one person was created with any more importance than another; we simply were each created for a unique purpose. Your purpose may be small and only have an impact on those directly around you, or it may be huge and have an impact worldwide. Regardless, it is important, it matters, it works with the purposes of others around you. God has written it on your heart, and He will help you succeed if you choose to follow His will. He will help you be who He destined you to be, who He formed you to be, if you will choose to seek Him, to listen to Him, and to not get too caught up in the need for more.