Monday, May 11, 2015

Looking Back in Order to Look Forward

It's interesting to look back on something I wrote 2 years ago, and to know that we did something to remedy the time debt we were in, and we are a happier, more fulfilled little family because of it! Interesting too, however, that I feel so much the same now as I did then...that not enough attention is being paid to the moment, to being happy in the right now instead of getting caught up in all the negativity around us, or getting so caught up in an unknown future. If you aren't happy with something in your life, you can make a choice to change it. What you choose to do right now will not only impact this moment, but will impact your future moments, and you have the power to impact them positively. Drown out the negativity in the world around us with your light; let go of things that are draining you financially; let go of people that are draining you emotionally. Decide what you want, not what others want for you, and take action to make it happen. We wanted more time as a family, we took action to bring Doug home from his time-draining retail job. Has it been easy? No. Will it last forever? Probably not. Has it been the right and best thing for our family at this season in our life? Yes. Is it the right thing for other families? Not necessarily. Would we do anything differently? Nope. Less can mean more; less money meant more time for our family, less things (that we incidentally do not get to take to heaven with us when our earthly time is over) meant more meaningful moments spent as a family (of which the memories will last in our hearts and minds far longer than the 'stuff' will last). We weren't happy with our circumstances and did not want to be in the same place five years we made a choice to make a change, and now two years later we continue to be glad we took action! The action we took is not an option for every family, everybody's situation looks differently and what works for some will not work for all. Do not be discouraged by that! Just do what is right for you, and take everything you try as an opportunity to learn and grow, and know that each experience shapes your path of life. Most importantly, live in the moment.

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