Friday, September 11, 2015

Don't Understand Me

This blog has been rolling around in my mind for a few weeks now, and after the big "back to school" week we've had, I feel it's the right time to get it written down. It may very well be a two or three part blog, I have a lot to say about this!!

There are a lot of areas in my life, related to my health issues, my parenting style, my children's behaviors, etc, that I find myself continually trying to explain in a way that will help another person understand. It's our instinct to want those around us to understand what we are feeling, why we are making our choices, what is driving us. It too is our instinct to want to understand those same things of others. But I have found, over years of explaining, hoping for understanding, and trying to understand, that the reality is...if you're not in my shoes, feeling what I feel, making the choices I am making, being driven by what is driving me, then you really cannot and will not, ever, truly understand me. To be certain, at some point along the way you will tell me, "I understand how hard that is" or "I understand why you did that" or even "I understand what it's like to be you", and I will say those same things to you. And there will be times that we do actually understand each other, find ourselves coming from the same place, thinking and feeling the same way. There will be times of understanding each other, but more often than not, we say those words without truly meaning them. Because I guarantee that I rarely understand the ways of others, often find myself judging actions and behaviors because they make no sense to me. And because you really don't know how hard it is for me, you really don't understand what it's like to be in my head and body. 

And I am so thankful for that. I embrace your inability to understand me! I encourage you to not understand me! I don't want you to feel what I'm feeling! I don't want your understanding. I don't need your understanding. And I don't need to understand things that make no sense to me. I don't have time to understand those things! You don't have time to understand my things!

Instead, I seek your acceptance. Accept that the way I feel, the choices I make, the things that drive me, are my reality. Accept me for who I am, how I am, and how we are different. In turn, know that I accept you, even when I don't understand you. I accept that we are different, I accept that it makes sense to you even when it seems completely bizarre to me. I accept that what you tell me is your reality.

Don't understand.


It seems simple enough when broken down like will not always have the ability to truly and fully understand me but you do have the ability to simply accept me. You cannot possibly understand what it feels like to have a slugged up digestive system that I can, literally, feel working 24/7, 365 days a year, unless you, too, have that same slugged up system. You cannot possibly understand what it feels like for me to live under a cloud of depression, how even when I'm happy and doing the things I enjoy, there's a dark tint to it, a lack of energy that can make it appear that I'm not enjoying life, unless you, too, live under that cloud. 

Truth is, I don't want you to understand, because I don't want you to have the slugged up system or live under that cloud. I do, however, want you to accept that I have that slugged up system and I live under that cloud, and therefore I do not have the same energy for life that you do, I do not make the choices that you might make. I don't need your understanding, but I also don't need your criticism, and often don't need your advice...I just need your acceptance. 

In return, I offer you my acceptance. I have given up trying to understand how those around me, family, friends, and strangers alike, feel or why they act as they do, or make the choices they do, or are driven by what drives them. I won't understand them, because I am not them. I am not walking in their shoes or living in their bodies, so I release myself from the burden of trying to understand. Instead, I accept. I accept you, even when I don't agree with you, even when I think you should act differently or make different choices. I accept that you are living life as you need to, and are happy because you tell me you are, and I accept that we are different. 

It's freeing, this acceptance of others. This letting others just be who they are, regardless of my own understanding or view. In accepting others as they are, I no longer have to expend negative energy at being frustrated at the lack of understanding. I can just do what I'm called to do by 

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes, yes! Since you enlightened me last week I have felt so free and less burdened. :) Such a simple concept - Don't try to understand, just accept and love!!
