a time a blog idea pops into my head, or I compose a posting in my mind, but I
don't get myself to the computer to put the words down. I occasionally put a
nugget of positivity on my Facebook status to keep those who are asking me for
a post with something to think about! I recently had a friend tell me,
"please write on your blog again, I need some inspiration!". That
humbled me, and frightened me a bit! People are turning to ME for inspiration?!
For something to give them motivation to face this negative world? I have been
a beacon of hope for somebody? Yipes, the responsibility!!
that comment from my friend got me thinking and I came to realize, God has
placed those words there, He wants me to share them, and if even one person can
be positively affected by them, then I have succeeded in serving His purpose.
It is a disservice to anybody following my blog to NOT write down what crosses
my mind that begs to be shared with others.
I present to you this summary of the past 4 weeks worth of blogs postings that
never made it to print.
Be a light of positivity in this darkened world.
You have what you need to make your dreams happen, it's already inside of you,
but fear of the unknown & of failure is holding you back. Reject that fear,
Embrace your dream, and stop at nothing to make it a reality!
Impact those around you simply by being YOU! IMPACT=I'M in Possession of my own
Ability to enact Change Today. Be confident in yourself and trust in your
What you surround yourself with will become your reality; Who you surround
yourself with is who you will become. Choose Wisely!! This world is full of
negativity, of drama and discontentment, of passing the blame and not accepting
responsibility or accountibility. Do not be party to that, and do not spent
time around those who are party to that; it is contagious!
The moment you are living RIGHT NOW is one that you will never get back, there
is no guarantee for a better tomorrow, so why not instead focus on living a
better today? Be present in the moment, do not let a clip on TV, a sports game,
a text, an email, or anything else driven by the technological advances that
have weakened our society take precedence over a real conversation with a loved
one, a "watch me mommy!" moment from your child, a hug from your
spouse, or any of those important moments of connection with PEOPLE; real
people, in the flesh, not on the cell phone or in the TV. Technology has its
place, but it is not the priority. If you are reading this blog posting right
now instead of playing a game with your child or listening to what your spouse
is trying to say to you, then STOP READING! Right now! Focus on people, our
society has us starving for real connection; many youth don't even know what it
means to 'connect' with someone, they think 'connecting' is how you get onto
the internet! Ack!
think that's a good stopping place for now! For the record, I came home from
the office after a morning of connecting with other business people at a
Chamber meeting we hosted, to an empty house. I am thrilled at the opportunity
that gave me to sit down and blog! But now I'm going to eat some lunch and be
ready for when my kids get home, because this momma wants to play CandyLand
with her Gracie-girl and Monster Trucks with her Joelers!
more thought...during the hour and a half that businessmen and women were
mingling in our office, I did not see one person reading a text or really even
talking on their cell phone. They were too busy chatting face-to-face with
other businessmen and women. It was refreshing!! THAT is what you call
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